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My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet - Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Reliance (1841)
Click Image for Affinity (Photo National Geographic/video from Post Ranch)
A Perspective on Time and Our own Resistance
This moment isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you- don’t close your heart. It took 13.8 billion years to get to this moment.
Catchcry: Absence of struggle is freedom 🕴🏼 We Will Be the Hopeful . . . drop the struggle and have the will to forgive 2023
- E Pluribus Unum 'Out of many, One' ☆ ★☆ Yeah, remember the motto of the United States? (It's on our coins and currency and in state capitols and court rooms...) Let's get back to the practice of this, ok? 'Liberal democracy' means a plurality of ideas. It doesn't mean ideas from only one group dominating another Nope not that! It means many ideas, together