If you mis-identify the Problem than you mis-identify the Solution
the internet is not a real place but the hate and shame it causes in your life is
the internet is not a real place but the hate and shame it causes in your life is
Check out how news and social media consumption shapes your day

The Perpetual State of Grievance
1 How long were you awake before your first complaint?
2 How many times have you said "I hate_____" today?
3 How cynical are you about the people you work with, are related to, or live with?
4 Have you corrected, condescended to, or criticized a person on (social media) today?
5 Have you disliked more choices, decisions, or situations than you have enjoyed today?
6 Have you been rude to others well knowing you were at fault?
7 Have you derided someone then 'blocked' them because of their needs and boundaries?
8 Have you required as much of yourself morally today, as you have of others?
9 Have you taken a beat on a reaction today, only to find that the delay cooled you down?
10 Have you condemned an entire group, or combined groups and wished their erasure?
11 Have you apologized to anyone today for your (unintended) over-reaction?
12 Have you said, I haven't understood this before and your point makes sense?
13 Have you on-line bullied anyone, anonymously?
14 Have you attempted to acknowledge how you messed up with a person?
15 Do you need a cause?
16 Does your contempt somehow make you feel smarter, or bring out self-assured hubris?
17 Does your TikTok post actually change minds, or make "them" want to listen to you?
18 Do you automatically oppose people/groups because of their race, ethnicity, gender, or religion?
19 Are you oppositional when you don’t get your way?
20 Are you capable of course-correcting these lower functioning reactive parts of yourself?
21 Are getting ‘likes’ more important to you than the harm that your (recently learned) condemnation or protestation will likely cause to an individual or member of a group, for whom you’ve decided that you are morally superior to?
22 Does your own behavior convey a belief that all human beings have a right to peace and happiness?
23 How much fun are you to be around?
24 Are you creating the society you want to live in?
25 What service or action do you positively contribute to in your local community?
1) When you get on social media, what is your motivation (what is that need)?
2) What is your reason for posting?
3) What do you want those who are not in your close circle to see, believe, or reply?
4) What's your motivation posting something for the whole world to see?
Everyone is just trying to get by anymore. Honestly.
ASK yourself
a) Will I actually choose to get to bed earlier, get some rest today, and unplug more, so I can be reasonable?
b) Am I making time for my pain, fears, and fatigue?
c) Am I nurturing myself with better language, quality time, and less divisive and pathological consumption?
d) Can I go a day with no complaint, recrimination, or contempt?
e) Am I being honest about my own ignorance in terms of histories, peoples, and topics that I JUST read about on-line?
e) Can I go without preaching for one whole day about what I personally have not experienced myself, or about things I have no firsthand knowledge of?
1 How long were you awake before your first complaint?
2 How many times have you said "I hate_____" today?
3 How cynical are you about the people you work with, are related to, or live with?
4 Have you corrected, condescended to, or criticized a person on (social media) today?
5 Have you disliked more choices, decisions, or situations than you have enjoyed today?
6 Have you been rude to others well knowing you were at fault?
7 Have you derided someone then 'blocked' them because of their needs and boundaries?
8 Have you required as much of yourself morally today, as you have of others?
9 Have you taken a beat on a reaction today, only to find that the delay cooled you down?
10 Have you condemned an entire group, or combined groups and wished their erasure?
11 Have you apologized to anyone today for your (unintended) over-reaction?
12 Have you said, I haven't understood this before and your point makes sense?
13 Have you on-line bullied anyone, anonymously?
14 Have you attempted to acknowledge how you messed up with a person?
15 Do you need a cause?
16 Does your contempt somehow make you feel smarter, or bring out self-assured hubris?
17 Does your TikTok post actually change minds, or make "them" want to listen to you?
18 Do you automatically oppose people/groups because of their race, ethnicity, gender, or religion?
19 Are you oppositional when you don’t get your way?
20 Are you capable of course-correcting these lower functioning reactive parts of yourself?
21 Are getting ‘likes’ more important to you than the harm that your (recently learned) condemnation or protestation will likely cause to an individual or member of a group, for whom you’ve decided that you are morally superior to?
22 Does your own behavior convey a belief that all human beings have a right to peace and happiness?
23 How much fun are you to be around?
24 Are you creating the society you want to live in?
25 What service or action do you positively contribute to in your local community?
1) When you get on social media, what is your motivation (what is that need)?
2) What is your reason for posting?
3) What do you want those who are not in your close circle to see, believe, or reply?
4) What's your motivation posting something for the whole world to see?
Everyone is just trying to get by anymore. Honestly.
ASK yourself
a) Will I actually choose to get to bed earlier, get some rest today, and unplug more, so I can be reasonable?
b) Am I making time for my pain, fears, and fatigue?
c) Am I nurturing myself with better language, quality time, and less divisive and pathological consumption?
d) Can I go a day with no complaint, recrimination, or contempt?
e) Am I being honest about my own ignorance in terms of histories, peoples, and topics that I JUST read about on-line?
e) Can I go without preaching for one whole day about what I personally have not experienced myself, or about things I have no firsthand knowledge of?
'let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am
persecuted whenever I am contradicted'
persecuted whenever I am contradicted'
Don't Get Even, Get Better
How Change Happens
First Order Change
What is first-order change in psychology?
First-order change occurs when a problem is addressed by performing more or less of a given action within the existing system.
Example: posting on X, instagram, TikTok
What is first-order change in psychology?
First-order change occurs when a problem is addressed by performing more or less of a given action within the existing system.
Example: posting on X, instagram, TikTok
Second-Order Change
What is second-order change in psychology?
A person addresses feelings of low self-worth, as they challenge underlying beliefs or patterns of thinking that contribute to the low self-worth, and make actual changes that are specific to this understanding.
Example: Getting off the apps more often and doing something, such as, volunteering to help others.
What is second-order change in psychology?
A person addresses feelings of low self-worth, as they challenge underlying beliefs or patterns of thinking that contribute to the low self-worth, and make actual changes that are specific to this understanding.
Example: Getting off the apps more often and doing something, such as, volunteering to help others.
VOLUNTEERING is Second Order change⎯
at food kitchens, domestic violence shelters, crisis hotlines, children's programs, court advocacy, tutoring, environmental clean up, working with the elderly; animal advocacy, giving physical relief and support to others; doing housing insecurity work, offering pro bono in your line of work. Or, serving as an election worker during local, state and national races.
at food kitchens, domestic violence shelters, crisis hotlines, children's programs, court advocacy, tutoring, environmental clean up, working with the elderly; animal advocacy, giving physical relief and support to others; doing housing insecurity work, offering pro bono in your line of work. Or, serving as an election worker during local, state and national races.
⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅. •・●
First Order and Second Order Change Together
To better elucidate this, first-order change refers to crude solutions (i.e., merely posting) which does not in itself create change regarding the problem (i.e., bombing and starving civilians). Instead, the post creates 'stability' in a limited imbalanced system, on X for example. Simply posting keeps people engaged but upset about the issue (Gaza). Second-order change actually transforms a relatively passive first-order 'solution' (the X post) into an actionable undertaking related to said challenge (Palestinian plight), but it happens outside the basic stream where it lives (i.e., purchasing goods and services from local Palestinian owned businesses or supporting and reading renowned writers, such as, poet Mosab Abu Toha. His new poetry book Forest of Noise conveys the pain Palestinian people of this area have endured for years and years up to this current one. The book is written from his personal experiences.
To better elucidate this, first-order change refers to crude solutions (i.e., merely posting) which does not in itself create change regarding the problem (i.e., bombing and starving civilians). Instead, the post creates 'stability' in a limited imbalanced system, on X for example. Simply posting keeps people engaged but upset about the issue (Gaza). Second-order change actually transforms a relatively passive first-order 'solution' (the X post) into an actionable undertaking related to said challenge (Palestinian plight), but it happens outside the basic stream where it lives (i.e., purchasing goods and services from local Palestinian owned businesses or supporting and reading renowned writers, such as, poet Mosab Abu Toha. His new poetry book Forest of Noise conveys the pain Palestinian people of this area have endured for years and years up to this current one. The book is written from his personal experiences.
October 7th was unconscionable and everything that has happened since
Only the Dead Will Know No More War
-George Santayana
When people feel better they act better
The angriest people are the ones who have the lowest sense of self, thereby taking everyone down with them. Contribute to the ideals in your local community first. That's actually how we change the world.
Social Health and Community Wellness
Each of these rely on people who are temperamentally allergic to enforced compliance, and to the demands made by individuals who impose/repudiate how different people may think, learn, speak, act, dress, or be politically aligned while being themselves.
Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs
to write a page a day is a book a year
to write a page a day is a book a year
keeps society sick
keeps society sick
Mental Health Tips for the politically minded
1 Be fair minded
2 Save outrage for when it’s warranted
3 ‘Persuadables’ are not in your bubble
1 Be fair minded
2 Save outrage for when it’s warranted
3 ‘Persuadables’ are not in your bubble
⎔ what areas might you be too unyielding about?
⎔ can you become more curious, as you are attempting to have your point understood?
It's important to know what we actually don't know and that's difficult to admit.
Be humble about what you actually know about another person.
Curiosity is helpful with learning who they are.
Begin with a question like this: How did you personally come to feel that way?
Topics, such as, climate, political leanings, gender, oil, cost of living, war, housing, geographical areas, energy, immigration, education, women's medical access, trans+ medical access, children's vaccines, science, trade work, men's loneliness, and hope for the world’s future are all American issues.
Be humble about what you actually know about another person.
Curiosity is helpful with learning who they are.
Begin with a question like this: How did you personally come to feel that way?
Topics, such as, climate, political leanings, gender, oil, cost of living, war, housing, geographical areas, energy, immigration, education, women's medical access, trans+ medical access, children's vaccines, science, trade work, men's loneliness, and hope for the world’s future are all American issues.
Until we drop purity test depredations, we will remain culturally insolent. Economic precarity and war are universally unbearable hardships.
Americans must protect each other
respect human rights this topic is included on Kristin F Jones, LMFT website because of its overwhelming presence in the therapeutic day-to-day work 🌎 |
Human Rights matter at home and Abroad
The freedom of movement; equality before the law; the right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; peaceful assembly; freedom of association; participation in public affairs and elections; and protection of minority rights. Human rights prohibit arbitrary deprivation of life; torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment; slavery and forced labor; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; war propaganda; discrimination; and advocacy of racial or religious hatred (un.org)
Human Rights matter at home and Abroad
The freedom of movement; equality before the law; the right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; peaceful assembly; freedom of association; participation in public affairs and elections; and protection of minority rights. Human rights prohibit arbitrary deprivation of life; torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment; slavery and forced labor; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; war propaganda; discrimination; and advocacy of racial or religious hatred (un.org)
Here's to passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
Multiracial democracies practice pro-social, pro-choice ideas. They affirm people who are here. now.
Multiracial democracy enables all people to fully participate, prosper, and reach their full potential in society
Multiracial democracies practice pro-social, pro-choice ideas. They affirm people who are here. now.
Multiracial democracy enables all people to fully participate, prosper, and reach their full potential in society
Here's to the equity-focused leaders, citizens, and voters with radical imagination who conceive of a democratized nation united not by race, religion, ethnicity, or ancestral homeland, but by shared ideals of liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness for all.
The easiest slide into autocracy is the one where we give up.
Continuing to believe in democracy is a profound active resistance.
Continuing to believe in democracy is a profound active resistance.
The Karaniya Metta Sutta is discourse on loving kindness divided into two parts
Watch the video transliteration, or close your eyes and soak up this glassy seven minute collection of
Pali Theravadan traditional chants (sermons) that flow so sweetly
they will leave you feeling radiant and clean
sung by Shivani Gupta Agarwal
Watch the video transliteration, or close your eyes and soak up this glassy seven minute collection of
Pali Theravadan traditional chants (sermons) that flow so sweetly
they will leave you feeling radiant and clean
sung by Shivani Gupta Agarwal
English translation
Part I
Details moral conduct for peace ⎯
This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, straightforward and gentle in speech, Humble and not conceited, contented and easily satisfied, unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm and wise and skillful, Not proud or demanding in nature. Let them not do the slightest thing that the wise would later reprove. Wishing: In gladness and in safety, May all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be; Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, Those living near and far away, Those born and to-be-born — May all beings be at ease!
Part II
Details the method of practicing metta
Metta = much, abundantly; greatly, GOODWILL⎯
Let none deceive another, Or despise any being in any state. Let none through anger or ill-will wish harm upon another. Even as a mother protects with her life her child, her only child, So with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; Radiating kindness over the entire world: Spreading upwards to the skies, and downwards to the depths; Outwards and unbounded, Freed from hatred and ill-will. Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down free from drowsiness, One should sustain this recollection. This is said to be the sublime abiding. By not holding to fixed views, The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision, Being freed from all sense desires, Is not born again into this world.
Wishing in gladness and in safety for you and to you.
Come back anytime,
Come back anytime,
Have more encounters with
beauty and the wild
Have more encounters with
beauty and the wild